Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to Integration PayPal With ASP.NET C#

I have Integration Paypal Payment System to our website.When i got the job I don't have Any exprence to develope any payment system.I face somany Problem to intregate that systen.
So i am writing this bloge for the new devloper who is willing to Develop Paypel system with ASP.NET C#.
2a. Insert this code snippet into the section of your code that handles shopping cart.*

2b. Create these files to your shopping cart web directory

using System;
using System.Web;
public partial class PayPalEC : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
NVPAPICaller test = new NVPAPICaller();
string retMsg = "";
string token = "";

if ( Session["payment_amt"] != null)
string amt = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();
bool ret = test.ShortcutExpressCheckout(amt, ref token, ref retMsg);
if (ret)
Session["token"] = token;
Response.Redirect( retMsg );
Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + retMsg);
Response.Redirect( "APIError.aspx?ErrorCode=AmtMissing" );

paypalfunctions.cs ( Please save this file into the AppCode sub directory of your .Net web app )

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;

/// Summary description for NVPAPICaller

public class NVPAPICaller
//private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(NVPAPICaller));

private string pendpointurl = "";
private const string CVV2 = "CVV2";

//Flag that determines the PayPal environment (live or sandbox)
private const bool bSandbox = true;

private const string SIGNATURE = "SIGNATURE";
private const string PWD = "PWD";
private const string ACCT = "ACCT";

public string APIUsername = "YourAPIUsername ";
private string APIPassword = "YourAPIPassword ";
private string APISignature = "YourSignature ";
private string Subject = "";
private string BNCode = "PP-ECWizard";

//HttpWebRequest Timeout specified in milliseconds
private const int Timeout = 5000;
private static readonly string[] SECURED_NVPS = new string[] { ACCT, CVV2, SIGNATURE, PWD };

/// Sets the API Credentials

public void SetCredentials(string Userid, string Pwd, string Signature)
APIUsername = Userid;
APIPassword = Pwd;
APISignature = Signature;

/// ShortcutExpressCheckout: The method that calls SetExpressCheckout API

public bool ShortcutExpressCheckout(string amt, ref string token, ref string retMsg)
string host = "";
if (bSandbox)
pendpointurl = "";
host = "";

string returnURL = "";
string cancelURL = "";

NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
encoder["METHOD"] = "SetExpressCheckout";
encoder["RETURNURL"] = returnURL;
encoder["CANCELURL"] = cancelURL;
encoder["AMT"] = amt;
encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
encoder["CURRENCYCODE"] = "USD";

string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" strAck == "successwithwarning"))
token = decoder["TOKEN"];

string ECURL = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&" + "&token=" + token;

retMsg = ECURL;
return true;
retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
"Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
"Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];

return false;

/// MarkExpressCheckout: The method that calls SetExpressCheckout API, invoked from the
/// Billing Page EC placement

public bool MarkExpressCheckout(string amt,
string shipToName, string shipToStreet, string shipToStreet2,
string shipToCity, string shipToState, string shipToZip,
string shipToCountryCode,ref string token, ref string retMsg)
string host = "";
if (bSandbox)
pendpointurl = "";
host = "";

string returnURL = "";
string cancelURL = "";

NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
encoder["METHOD"] = "SetExpressCheckout";
encoder["RETURNURL"] = returnURL;
encoder["CANCELURL"] = cancelURL;
encoder["AMT"] = amt;
encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
encoder["CURRENCYCODE"] = "USD";

//Optional Shipping Address entered on the merchant site
encoder["SHIPTONAME"] = shipToName;
encoder["SHIPTOSTREET"] = shipToStreet;
encoder["SHIPTOSTREET2"] = shipToStreet2;
encoder["SHIPTOCITY"] = shipToCity;
encoder["SHIPTOSTATE"] = shipToState;
encoder["SHIPTOZIP"] = shipToZip;
encoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"]= shipToCountryCode;

string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" strAck == "successwithwarning"))
token = decoder["TOKEN"];

string ECURL = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&" + "&token=" + token;

retMsg = ECURL;
return true;
retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
"Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
"Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];

return false;

/// GetShippingDetails: The method that calls SetExpressCheckout API, invoked from the
/// Billing Page EC placement

public bool GetShippingDetails(string token, ref string PayerId, ref string ShippingAddress, ref string retMsg)

if (bSandbox)
pendpointurl = "";

NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
encoder["METHOD"] = "GetExpressCheckoutDetails";
encoder["TOKEN"] = token;

string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall( pStrrequestforNvp );

NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
decoder.Decode( pStresponsenvp );

string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" strAck == "successwithwarning"))
ShippingAddress = " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += " ";
ShippingAddress += "";

return true;
retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
"Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
"Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];

return false;

/// ConfirmPayment: The method that calls SetExpressCheckout API, invoked from the
/// Billing Page EC placement

public bool ConfirmPayment(string finalPaymentAmount, string token, string PayerId, ref NVPCodec decoder, ref string retMsg )
if (bSandbox)
pendpointurl = "";

NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
encoder["METHOD"] = "DoExpressCheckoutPayment";
encoder["TOKEN"] = token;
encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
encoder["PAYERID"] = PayerId;
encoder["AMT"] = finalPaymentAmount;

string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

decoder = new NVPCodec();

string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" strAck == "successwithwarning"))
return true;
retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
"Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
"Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];

return false;

/// HttpCall: The main method that is used for all API calls

public string HttpCall(string NvpRequest) //CallNvpServer
string url = pendpointurl;

//To Add the credentials from the profile
string strPost = NvpRequest + "&" + buildCredentialsNVPString();
strPost = strPost + "&BUTTONSOURCE=" + UrlEncode( BNCode );

HttpWebRequest objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
objRequest.Timeout = Timeout;
objRequest.Method = "POST";
objRequest.ContentLength = strPost.Length;

using (StreamWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream()))
catch (Exception e)
if (log.IsFatalEnabled)
log.Fatal(e.Message, this);

//Retrieve the Response returned from the NVP API call to PayPal
HttpWebResponse objResponse = (HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse();
string result;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()))
result = sr.ReadToEnd();

//Logging the response of the transaction
/* if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
log.Info("Result :" +
" Elapsed Time : " + (DateTime.Now - startDate).Milliseconds + " ms" +
return result;

/// Credentials added to the NVP string

private string buildCredentialsNVPString()
NVPCodec codec = new NVPCodec();

if (!IsEmpty(APIUsername))
codec["USER"] = APIUsername;

if (!IsEmpty(APIPassword))
codec[PWD] = APIPassword;

if (!IsEmpty(APISignature))
codec[SIGNATURE] = APISignature;

if (!IsEmpty(Subject))
codec["SUBJECT"] = Subject;

codec["VERSION"] = "2.3";

return codec.Encode();

/// Returns if a string is empty or null

/// the string
/// true if the string is not null and is not empty or just whitespace
public static bool IsEmpty(string s)
return s == null s.Trim() == string.Empty;

public sealed class NVPCodec : NameValueCollection
private const string AMPERSAND = "&";
private const string EQUALS = "=";
private static readonly char[] AMPERSAND_CHAR_ARRAY = AMPERSAND.ToCharArray();
private static readonly char[] EQUALS_CHAR_ARRAY = EQUALS.ToCharArray();

/// Returns the built NVP string of all name/value pairs in the Hashtable

public string Encode()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool firstPair = true;
foreach (string kv in AllKeys)
string name = UrlEncode(kv);
string value = UrlEncode(this[kv]);
if (!firstPair)
firstPair = false;
return sb.ToString();

/// Decoding the string

public void Decode(string nvpstring)
foreach (string nvp in nvpstring.Split(AMPERSAND_CHAR_ARRAY))
string[] tokens = nvp.Split(EQUALS_CHAR_ARRAY);
if (tokens.Length >= 2)
string name = UrlDecode(tokens[0]);
string value = UrlDecode(tokens[1]);
Add(name, value);

private static string UrlDecode(string s) { return HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s); }
private static string UrlEncode(string s) { return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s); }

#region Array methods
public void Add(string name, string value, int index)
this.Add(GetArrayName(index, name), value);

public void Remove(string arrayName, int index)
this.Remove(GetArrayName(index, arrayName));


public string this[string name, int index]
return this[GetArrayName(index, name)];
this[GetArrayName(index, name)] = value;

private static string GetArrayName(int index, string name)
if (index <>
First Name " + decoder["FIRSTNAME"] + "
Last Name " + decoder["LASTNAME"] + "
Shipping Address
Name " + decoder["SHIPTONAME"] + "
Street1 " + decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"] + "
Street2 " + decoder["SHIPTOSTREET2"] + "
City " + decoder["SHIPTOCITY"] + "
State " + decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"] + "
Zip " + decoder["SHIPTOZIP"] + "

Insert this code snippet into the section of your code that handles billing
if (PaymentOption == "PayPal")
NVPAPICaller test = new NVPAPICaller();

string retMsg = "";
string token = "";

if (Session["payment_amt"] != null)
string amt = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();

//Optional Shipping Address entered on the merchant site
string shipToName = "";
string shiptToStreet = "";
string shiptToStreet2 = "";
string shipToCity = "";
string shipToState = "";
string shipToZip = "";
string shipToCountryCode = "";

bool ret = test.MarkExpressCheckout(amt, shipToName, shipToStreet, shipToStreet2,
shipToCity, shipToState, shipToZip, shipToCountryCode,
ref token, ref retMsg);
if (ret)
Session["token"] = token;
Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + retMsg);
Response.Redirect( "APIError.aspx?ErrorCode=AmtMissing" );

To pass the shipping address entered, replaced the shipping address placeholders in the code snippet with variables representing the shipping address from PayPal.

Save the total payment amount in a session variable named "Payment_Amount". The code inside the ExpressCheckout file is designed to read from this session variable and pass as input to the API call.

Order Review - get shipping address from PayPal
Insert this code snippet into the section of your code that handles order review

if (PaymentOption == "PayPal"){ NVPAPICaller test = new NVPAPICaller();
string retMsg = ""; string token = ""; string payerId = "";
token = Session["token"].ToString();
bool ret = test.GetShippingDetails( token, ref payerId, ref shippingAddress, ref retMsg ); if (ret) { Session["payerId"] = payerId; Response.Write ( shippingAddress ); } else { Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + retMsg); }}

Save the total payment amount in a session variable named "Payment_Amount". The code inside the ExpressCheckout file is designed to read from this session variable and pass as input to the API call

Order Confirmation - confirm payment from PayPal
Insert this code snippet into the section of your code that handles order confirmation.
if (PaymentOption == "PayPal"){ NVPAPICaller test = new NVPAPICaller();
string retMsg = ""; string token = ""; string finalPaymentAmount = ""; string payerId = ""; NVPCodec decoder;
token = Session["token"].ToString(); payerId = Session["payerId"].ToString(); finalPaymentAmount = Session["payment_amt"].ToString();
bool ret = test.ConfirmPayment( finalPaymentAmount, token, PayerId, ref decoder, ref retMsg ); if (ret) { // Unique transaction ID of the payment. Note: If the PaymentAction of the request was Authorization or Order, this value is your AuthorizationID for use with the Authorization & Capture APIs. string transactionId = decoder["TRANSACTIONID"];
// The type of transaction Possible values: l cart l express-checkout string transactionType = decoder["TRANSACTIONTYPE"];
// Indicates whether the payment is instant or delayed. Possible values: l none l echeck l instant string paymentType = decoder["PAYMENTTYPE"];
// Time/date stamp of payment string orderTime = decoder["ORDERTIME"];
// The final amount charged, including any shipping and taxes from your Merchant Profile. string amt = decoder["AMT"];
// A three-character currency code for one of the currencies listed in PayPay-Supported Transactional Currencies. Default: USD. string currencyCode = decoder["CURRENCYCODE"]; // PayPal fee amount charged for the transaction string feeAmt = decoder["FEEAMT"];
// Amount deposited in your PayPal account after a currency conversion. string settleAmt = decoder["SETTLEAMT"];
// Tax charged on the transaction. string taxAmt = decoder["TAXAMT"];
//' Exchange rate if a currency conversion occurred. Relevant only if your are billing in their non-primary currency. If string exchangeRate = decoder["EXCHANGERATE"]; } else { Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + retMsg); }}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i m facing Error in his line--> NVPAPICaller

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this blog contents are copy and past from the paypal site. if you really wanna help go paypal. it's easy than reading this. ( )

    but paypal also giving codes with errors. simply can get those at compile time.. but with your SE knowledge you can fix them.. then you can get errors at run time.. first you get errors with session..( Session["payment_amt"] ) you can see this same variable read with spelling mistakes.. hmm you can proceed with fixing.. but you will have more errors... LOL.

    1. give complete information about paypal integration.urgent please my

  5. i m facing problem in this

    strPost = strPost + "&BUTTONSOURCE=" + UrlEncode(BNCode );

    Error is : CS0103: The name 'UrlEncode' does not exist in the current context

    i have also using using.system.web

    still it give Error

  6. Hi,

    This is Asha Bhatt

    if (PaymentOption == "PayPal")

    here what is the "PaymentOption " .It is radiobuttonlist or any other control.

    and where should i write billing code and confirm code

  7. i m facing problem the same problem which kiran has mentioned above can you help me out??? in this

    strPost = strPost + "&BUTTONSOURCE=" + UrlEncode(BNCode );

    Error is : CS0103: The name 'UrlEncode' does not exist in the current context

    i have also using using.system.web

    still it give Error

  8. How do I send cart details please? i.e. so that the shopper can see what they are buying when transferred to PayPal site?

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